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DAI Global Shares Portal

Welcome to the DAI Global Shares Portal. Enter your username to access your account. If you forgot your username or password, call one of the numbers below for assistance.


English available between 08:00 GMT – 23.00 GMT (GMT+1 Summer Time) Monday – Friday

Language support available between 08:00 GMT –17:00 GMT (GMT+1 Summer Time) Monday – Friday.

English (Europe): +353 818 000 079

English (UK): +44 330 808 1845

English (US): +1 646 968 0653

English (Canada): +1 403 879 8295


Did you receive the activation link via DAI email? Click the activation link in the email message to set up your account.

As a new investor - for assistance in setting up multi-factor authentication (MFA) please see a guide here: New Authentication User Guide

And see a login guide here: Participant Login User Guide



Forget your password? Call one of the numbers above for assistance.


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